- 新加坡资深英文、生物老师
- 前新加坡名校莱福士书院老师
- 澳大利亚,昆士兰大学医学博士
- 新加坡,新加坡国立大学生命科学学士
- 新加坡莱福士书院毕业
- Centre for Life Sciences
- NUS Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology (SINAPSE)
- Research Intern, Cognitive Neuro-Engineering
- Imperial College London
- Revolutions in Biomedicine“The role of CD-3 & CD-28 in the two-signaling theory of immortalized Jurkat T-cells”
- Duke-NUS Medical School
- Cognitive NeuroscienceJunior Research Assistant
- Raffles Institution
- Humanities DepartmentRelief Teaching
- Doctor of Medicine (MD)
- The University of Queensland, Australia
- Bachelor of Science, Life Sciences
- National University of Singapore, Singapore